Online Training: How to Plant Fruit Trees that Thrive

Topics: Planting, Watering, Fertilizing, and Extended Q&A!

Classes are free and occur in January 2021 from 4:30-6:30pm MST.
Please RSVP for your preferred date using one of the buttons below:

Tues, Jan 12

Here's what you can expect from this class:

  • Learn the formula for getting your trees planted for an abundant harvest
  • Learn the difference between RULES and GUIDELINES for planting your trees, and why Greg's 6/6 rule is essential for your healthiest trees
  • Learn how to keep your trees happy with the perfect amount of water so they don't get too much or too little
  • Understand the difference between foliar and granular fertilizing (and when to use each)
  • Extended Q&A! The first and last 30 minutes of class will be reserved for your questions.


Presented By:
Greg Peterson, Janis Norton and Raymond Jess

Meet Greg:

Greg Peterson

Greg Peterson has been digging his toes into the earth, listening to the plants, and experimenting wih progressive permaculture techniques in his yard for over 40 years. His 1/3-acre home in Phoenix, AZ has been converted into an entirely edible landscape open to the community for tours and classes, and his fruit tree program has resuted in the planting of over 10,000 fruit trees. Greg's mission is to show others that they too can realize the power, joy and deliciousness of urban farming!  

Greg received his Master's degree in Urban and Environmental Planning from Arizona State University, and has since taught at a trade school and even returned to his alma mater to teach Sustainable Food and Farms. He started to build a community for urban farmers and home gardeners around the world to come for inspiration, education, and advice. His podcast, The Urban Farm Podcast, has been a fun and successful project with over 500 episodes.